YAMIC was selected as the fifth branch of National Specialized and Refined "Little Giant" Enterprise


Recently, according to the unified arrangement of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the Announcement on the Fifth Batch of Provincial Specialized and Refined "Little Giant" Enterprises and the Second Batch of Specialized and Refined "Little Giant" Enterprises Passing Re-examination in Jiangsu Province. YAMIC has been selected as a National Specialized and Refined "Little Giant" Enterprise.


  • •专精特新:是指专业化、精细化、特色化、新颖化。

  • 小巨人企业:是指主营业务突出,竞争力强、成长性好,专注于细分市场的工业类中小企业。

  • 国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业:即重点“小巨人”企业,是从工业和信息化部已认定的专精特新“小巨人”企业中择优遴选,同时需满足,主营业务收入占营业收入比重70%以上,主导产品属于关键领域“补短板”、关键核心技术攻关、填补国内空白(国际)空白,研发经费支出占营业收入比重4%以上等条件。

Since its establishment in 2019, YAMIC has achieved an average annual revenue growth rate of 26.97% in the past two years. It has obtained full set of management system certifications, and its products have been certified by CCS, LR, GL and other international classification societies. Its leading products account for 15.8% market share. In particular, the 40,000m³ LPG carrier independently built by YAMIC fills the gap in China's large capacity, high efficiency LPG vessel sector, and demonstrates strong business value and market competitiveness.